environment map for Quake][ --------------------------------------------------------- archive: vlcno.zip author: stecki e-mail: stecki@frag.com web: http://www.frag.com/deconstruct/ this is set for both software and GL users. how to use the cursed files: --------------------------------------------------------- unzip all this stuff (except the text, woops, too late...) to: /Quake2/baseq2/env/ Start Quake 2. Get in the game and open a console with the ~ key (a tilda the hun) and type in: sky vlcno get rid of the console and go to a window or go outside (in quake2 that is, not for real...) check out the sky, it should be different. It isn't? Uh oh, you messed up, 'cause it worked here. e-mail me... what you can do with this stuff: --------------------------------------------------------- abuse it, lose it, cheat on it, ask for it back, whatever your mind can come up with. All I ask is that if this is used for a TC/PC/Mission Pak/or other form of Quake2 thing, let me know and give me a credit line for it. it would really make me happy to see that. If you use it and make money off it, I'd like a bitchen computer setup. anyways, i'm pretty cool with this crap, just let me know eh? eat, sleep, drink, quake2. oh, forget that sleep part.