-------------------------------------------------------- Map Name: Rocket O'rena 2 File Name: ra2ro2.bsp Map Author(s): smegHEAD bigOnes MeatHead Author(s) E-Mail: smeghead smeg@planetquake.com bigOnes big0nes@planetquake.com MeatHead meathead@planetquake.com Author(s) Home Page: http://www.planetquake.com/mahq Number of Arenas: 7 (8 including the selection room) Number of Pickup Arenas: 1 Arena Names (with authors, if multiple authors): 1: vigO's Courtyard big0nes 2: The Experiment smegHEAD 3: Big Ass Ham smegHEAD 4: Heavy Metal MeatHead 5: LavaLands big0nes 6: Uneven Flow smegHEAD 7: The Dive big0nes 8: Oxide (pickup) smegHEAD QBSP Compiler used: qbsp3 (idsoftware version) (Machine used was a QBSP Command Line: qbsp3 -threads 2 ra2ro2.map dual p2-300, thus the "-threads 2" option. QVIS Compiler used: qvis3 (idsoftware version) of course you can change QVIS Command Line: qvis3 -threads 2 ra2ro2.bsp how many -threads are used.) QRAD Compiler used: arghrad (courtesy of Tim Wright) (http://www.planetquake.com/arghrad) QRAD Command Line: arghrad -threads 2 -bounce 35 -extra ra2ro2.bsp Testing you have done: LOTS!!! We did about a solid week and a half of testing before the map was originally released. After testing was done, we fixed the errors/problems and recompiled and released. It has been out on the 'net for about a month now. It is in the rotation of about 30 servers or so. We have gotten alot of comments about 'LavaLands' (5th arena) and despite the lava, was one of the best arenas in the map with some new twists on gameplay and originality. Comments from testers (if any): Don't know if this counts...but check out the review of 'ra2ro2' over at http://www.planetquake.com/ra2io and see how it was scored. Addition Comments/Credits/etc: This map took us the longest, but we think it was well worth it. Judging from the feedback we have gotten about this map, I think we succeeded in making one of the better ra2 maps. Thats about it. this map also uses the custom sky "Volcano" by 'stecki' (http://deconstruct.terrafusion.com) He made the sky and is a pimp when it comes to this type of stuff. Thanks, smegHEAD, big0nes, and MeatHead --------------------------------------------------------