-------------------------------------------------------- Map Name: Rocket O'rena 1 File Name: ra2ro1.zip (ra2ro1.bsp) Map Author(s): Ian "smegHEAD" Marks Mike "bigOnes" McDonald Dennis "MeatHead" Urie Author(s) E-Mail: smegHEAD ---- smeg@planetquake.com big0nes ---- big0nes@planetquake.com MeatHead ---- meathead@planetquake.com Author(s) Home Page: http://www.planetquake.com/mahq -- Multi-Arena H.Q. Number of Arenas: 4 Number of Pickup Arenas: 1 Arena Names (with authors, if multiple authors): 1: Intestinal Fortitude (pickup) by smegHEAD 2: Forgotten Base by big0nes 3: Rapid Violence by smegHEAD 4: Midnight Madness by MeatHead 5: Back Alley Rumble! by smegHEAD QBSP Compiler used: qbsp3 (generic idsoftware version) QBSP Command Line: qbsp3 -threads # ra2ro1.map QVIS Compiler used: qvis3 (generic idsoftware version) QVIS Command Line: qvis3 -threads # -level 4 ra2ro1.bsp (although the level 4 doesn't matter) QRAD Compiler used: arghrad (Tim Wright's awsome compiler http://www.planetquake.com/arghrad) QRAD Command Line: arghrad -threads # -extra -bounce 40 ra2ro1.bsp (might need to change arghrad.exe to qrad3.exe to work in some editors) Testing you have done: Lots of testing. Considering this map has been out for about 3 months. It is in the rotation on about 30 or so servers. So if you need to see it, just open up gamespy and you might just see it there. Comments from testers (if any):Just jump on a server and ask them what they think. This was our first multi-arena, but we still did a good job. IT ROCKS! Addition Comments/Credits/etc: As mentioned above, this map has had the best testing that any map can have: mass amounts of people that we don't know playing it. We have gotten comments on how good it is and that we did a good job. So we think it is good enough for the official --------------------------------------------------------