Quake 2 Map: "Big0nes DM Sampler" ***ra2big1.bsp*** Author: Mike "big0nes" MacDonald Editor: QERadiant (latest Build) BSP name: ra2map24.bsp (ra2big1.bsp) Map name: Big0nes DM Sampler Email: big0nes@planetquake.com WWW: http://www.planetquake.com/mahq Thanks: R. Duffy (QERadiant), idSoftware (Q2), David "crt" Wright (RA2) Beta Testers: Meathead, b0dhi, JumpingBean, Wolverine, and [Chron]Fadz ***Map Info*** Rocket Arena 2: Yes! Deathmatch: No:( (except to look around) SinglePlayer: No:( (except to look around) CooP: Nope Construction: QERadiant build 135 # of Brushes: 2155 Fastest Animal: Cheetah Known Bugs: None ***Authors Note*** The 1v1 arenas are based on Q2DM levels, but were all made from scratch. I do not have nor did I use any source code from the originals. To give credit for the original ideas: Arena 1: Slice of Heaven Based on Q2DM1 by big0nes AKA "The Edge" by Tim Willits Arena 2: A Tokay Tower Based on Q2DM2 by big0nes AKA "Tokay's Towers" by American McGee Arena 3: Watery Grave Based on Q2DM6 by big0nes AKA "Lava Tomb" by American McGee Arena 4: Desperation by big0nes ***Legal Stuff*** This level is by Mike MacDonald 1998. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this .bsp through any electronic network (internet, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. big0nes@planetquake.com