July 25th, 2000 (ver 1.2) ======================================================================= Title : concrete dreams Filename : dreams.bsp Original Release : July 6th, 2000 Author : john fitzgibbons Email Address : johnfitz@u.washington.edu Homepage : http://students.washington.edu/johnfitz/ Description: New(7-25-00): i added the sky to the zip file, you bastards. New(7-24-00): i added an eraser bot .rtz file A small quake 2 DeathMatch level. Best with 2-5 players. Additional Credits to : id software for quake2(idsoftware.com) robert duffy for QERadiant(qeradiant.com) stecki for the sky(deconstruct.terrafusion.com) argh for arghrad(radiosityland.com) and my fearless beta testers: sean, noel, argh, leah, mark, scott, darren, nitin ======================================================================= * Special Installation * Unzip into the _parent_ of the quake2 folder, preserving directories. If all goes well, dreams.bsp and dreams.txt should be in baseq2\maps\ and blume4_1.wal should end up in baseq2\textures\jf2\ New(7-24-00): dreams.rtz should end up in eraser\routes\ New(7-25-00): snow*.tga and snow*.pcx should end up in baseq2\env\ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : QERadiant Known Bugs : none New Textures : one, jf2/blume4_1.wal Compile machine : p3-550 128 megs RAM Qbsp3 : 10 sec Qvis3 : 356 sec Arghrad -bounce 16 -extra : 887 sec Total Brushes : 1126 Non-entity Brushes : 994 Entities : 133 * Copyright / Permissions * This level is copyright 2000 john fitzgibbons. Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission.