CATCHING AIR BY KrazY =============================================== INDEX | =============================================== 1. STORYLINE 2. REQUIREMENTS 3. HOW TO INSTALL 4. MAP GAMEPLAY 5. BUGS 6. CONTACTING ME ================================================ 1. STORYLINE | ================================================ What is the in the inside of ColdFlo's strange mind? This level answers the question that has plagued mankind for years... ================================================== 2. REQUIREMENTS | ================================================== Any map capable of running Quake2 should be able to play this map just fine :) ================================================= 3. HOW TO INSTALL | ================================================= 1.Unzip the kzydm5.bsp to your quake2/baseq2/maps/ directory. 4.Go to Quake2, bring up the console, and type "set deathmatch 1", followed by "map kzydm5" =================================================== 4. MAP GAMEPLAY | =================================================== Just fly around and hit what you can. Simple, eh? ===================================================== 5. BUGS | ===================================================== Here's a few minor bugs you may encounter on my map... *Top level has a bug where one of the rails does not push the player back towards the center of the level. ======================================================= 6. CONTACTING ME | ======================================================= Email: Website: If you wanna host my map(s), just send me an email, I'll be more than pleased :) ======================================================= 7. CREDITS | ======================================================= 1.Me. (duh) 2.BSP ( 3.ID for creating this game in the first place :) 4.Myself 5.I