NCC-1701 By Mr Bovine Ordure Backstory...... While working in a small but isolated lab somewhere in orbit around the Well Of Souls technology lab, QwazyWabbit and Deacon were fine tuning some spacial-displacements updates the the BFG-2000 which would teleport it's victims to random places (inside bulkheads, Out into space, outside reality altogether) when it prematurly went off. From behind one of the walls of came the faint but familiar sounds of the computers from a constitution-class starship. Apparantly the starship Enterprise had been yanked in from an alternate universe and existed just on the other side of the wall which was now acting as a hidden doorway into the starship. Not wanting to take any chances, Deacon switched the weapon back into standard BFG mode and sent a charge through the wall. The bridge crew including Kirk; who didn't have the forsight to be wearing any body-armor were immediatly vaporized. All except for Spock who managed to signal a red-alert and flicking on the shipwide com just in time to be heard by the crew screaming in agony as he was finished off by a vortex. Some of the crew, who never heard a Vulcan scream before paniced and grabbed all the shuttles they could to escape. Seeing the prize that could be won, Qwazywabbit signaled the rest of Clan WOS who boarded the starship in their own transports, and easily wiped out the rest of the crew with their superior personal arms. But unfortunatly, in his haste and the heat of battle, the signal wasn't encrypted and was heard by all the other clans and freelance mercineries in the vicinity. A battle to see who would win the privilege of taking this starship back to the Strogg homeworld for the final crushing victory would ensue......