------------- ALIEN SOLDIER ------------- Name: Alien Soldier Author: Andy "BoogieMan" Craft Email: boogieman10@hotmail.com Time spent: about 2 weeks all together Editor: Quake2 Model Editor v0.83 Description: This is an alien soldier player model for Quake 2. It is the first model I started from scratch and it turned out better than I expected. He looks really awesome in deathmatch games. Installation: Unzip all the files into a subdirectory called "aliensoldier" in your players directory. You can then select the soldier in the multiplayer setup menu in Quake 2. That's all there is to it. Skins: I'm not very good at making skins, so all the skins that come with the model suck. They are just solid colors, blurred to make the skins look somewhat decent. The different colors do work well for teams though. If you make any new skins for my model, please send them to the email address mentioned above. Comments: If you have any comments, I would like to hear them. Please send them to the email address mentioned above. What I am currently working on: I have begun working on an "orc" player model, like the ones from Warcraft, and it is looking pretty good so far. I hope to have it finished soon. Have fun with the new model!