Bill Gates PPM for Quake 2 By Lewis Mitchell This PPM was designed to satisfy the needs of all Windows users who have said to themselves - "I wish I could feed a rocket into the demon spawn who created this filth." Well now you can! It is my first model so some things are a little below par. Now that I know what is going on I might attempt something a little more complex. DESCRIPTION: Bill Gates model for Quake2. His weapon is a briefcase. INSTRUCTIONS: Just unpack this file into a directory called "billgates" in your baseq2/players directory. BUILDTIME: About a week. Like I said this was my first model so I spent a lot of time frigging around with stuff that turned out to be pretty simple. TOOLS USED: Lightwave 3D Quake Model Editor by Phillip Martin Npherno's Skin Editor Paint Shop Pro BUGS: The skin mesh is a bit of a mess. My apologies to anyone who wants to make skins for him. THANKS TO: ID software Npherno Phillip Martin and to the people who patiently answered my idiotic questions. QUESTIONS COMMENTS TO: Feel free to make skins for this model, but please Email me for permission to use it for anything other than personal use.