THE MAIN BODY IS FROM Jblr's VERY COOL NIGHTCRAWLER MODEL I TAKE NO CREDIT FROM THE ORIGINAL BODY MESH! erm, lets keep this simple, its just some guy, i like SAS type, so i made him SAS stealthy like. erm, it took me a "couple hours" feel free to edit it, make better skins etc.... have fun. the hardest part was the vwep, phew, glad thats over!!! and erm, well, oh wait, yeah it has no bugs, but it does look odd at a few angles, like the right leg is a bit screwed up, but who cares when ya running about fragging people :) just unzip to your quake 2 directory under a new folder called 'chump' otherwise it will not work thanks Levaithan credits to: id software, the 3dsmax team, lightwave team, and q2 modeller team. otherwise this would not have been possible. disclaimer: dont get worried, it wont bugger your comp, but just in case it does, its not my fault!!! :) that about covers it for now, now what model to start on next??? maybe i'll just start a real life(tm) :) comments welcome to