(Turn up the volume on your speakers, now!)
Deimos presents, a PPM for Quake 2:
The Cyber Demon
Name of Mod : The Cyber Demon PPM
File Name : CyberDemon.zip
Date : December 6th 1998
E-mail : Use the link at the bottom (the address is probably
going to change soon though...i'll send an update to the Q2PMP)
Author : Deimos (Steve Minton)
Build time : You don't expect me to spend valuable time, keeping
track of time, when I could be modelling do you?
V-Wep: Ah ha...with 256x256 skins
Sounds : Yes - some ripped from Doom, some borrowed from rhino,
some taken from cyborg and some home mixed from quake 2 sounds
MD2 : Of course - what do you think a model is?
Graphics : Yep
CTF Skins : Yeh - blue, red AND green!
NO. of Skins :10 (inc. 3 team CTF, and damaged skins!)
Md2 info: Skin size - 256x256, Vertices - 469, Poly count - 790
As you're reading this, I assume that you've run the
self-extracting Zip file. You should unzip to your
"\Quake2\baseq2\players\" directory and it will create
a further directory called "CyberDemon". If you have
any problems then make sure there are no files, other than model
files, in the players directory. If you have tried this and it
still doesn't work then consult the many troubleshooting pages at
the Q2PMP
This is the Cyber Demon from ID Software's previous classic, DOOM
(What do you mean, "What's Doom?", have you been living
with your head in a freezer for the last decade of your life? -
you deserve to be shot!! If you seriously don't know what DOOM is
then why don't you visit the ID
website and also see if you can get a copy from a shop (it
should be cheap...if you can find it!). This guy needs no
introduction...but i'll give one anyway: The manual from the
Nintendo 64 version (Boo, give me a PC any day) says: "The
Cyber Demon: Half machine, half raging horned devil. This walking
nightmare has a rocket launcher for an arm and will definitly
reach out and touch you. Make sure that you're fully loaded
before you take on this guy.". Well...you can see why I
thought he'd make a good PPM : )
Q2Modeller 0.9b for model creation, animation, meshing and skin
touch up,
MGI Photosuite, Paintshop Pro and Photoplus 4 for skinning,
WinTex for Doom sound export,
Voyetra Audioview 2 for sound editing,
Microsoft Frontpage Express and Notepad for readme creation,
Photoshop 5 and Animation shop 5 for the animated mail gif,
Symantec Easyzip for the self-extracting zip file,
and NST for skin linking/unlinking and touch up
Model: Deimos (with parts from "baaul" by
"EvilBastard", "male" by "Paul
Steed" and "Hive Tyrant" by "Michael
Animation: Deimos
Main Skin: Emperor and Deimos
Additional skins: Deimos and Emperor
CTF Skins: Emperor and Deimos
Sounds: Deimos (and ID, whose sounds from DOOM, I used)
V-Wep: Deimos
Play Testing: Deimos (with Ridah's Excellent
"Eraserbot" from http://impact.frag.com
Readme file: Deimos with graphics by Emperor and Deimos, and
sounds by Deimos
Portrait ( _i.pcx ) files: Deimos and Emperor
Animated Button: Deimos
Self-extracting zip archive: Deimos
I don't think so...
*This model should not be exploited for money in any way,
although please distribute by all means...
*You may use this model as a base for others
*All copyrights remain the property of their resective owners
(This includes: DOOM, the DOOM2 logo,Quake2, ID Software and the
cyber demon, who are the property of ID Software).
Oh well...that's the legal mumbo-jumbo out of the way, and
hopefully I won't get sued now...
Here goes...
ID for DOOM, Quake 2 (the BEST game ever) and the Cyber Demon
Phillip Martin for the Q2Modeller
NPherno for NST (although I don't use it much...)
Ridah and team Impact for the Eraserbot (used a lot in testing)
Emperor for most of
the skin work
Mike Cronin for offering to help with V-Wep
Rogue13 from the Q2PMP for the Q2Modeller help file
Paul Steed, creator of the "male" model, for the arms
(which I took from the male and modified)
Brian "Evil Bastard" Collins for the upper legs, which
are modified "Baaul" thighs
and Michael O'Rourke for the hoof and organic lower leg of the
"Hive Tyrant"
Well, i'm a 17 year old student from London, England. I enjoy
playing Quake2, listening to music, and doing other things on my
computer (I can already program in java and basic). I think that
I am quite good at quake2 (take me on most nights on ID's DM
server at about 9Pm, British time), but i'm currently clan-less
(i'm thinking of starting my own...anyone interested). This is my
first PPM (well, unless you count the ones I didn't finish or
release) and I think it came out quite well. My modelling skills
are not the best in the world and I could not work out how to do
many things...in fact it was only with the help of the Q2PMP's
very own Rogue13 that this model got finished...and so to make
sure that the model was of the highest quality, I reused parts
from other models from my collection (I have about 70, all
downloaded seperately). I don't rip off other people's models or
claim that they are my own (unlike other people) and credit has
been given where due (See: SPECIAL THANKS TO). However, all the
animation is my own (and Mike's), and together with Emperor I did
my own skin. And the future?...I think I have several good ideas
- How about a shapeshifter where changing weapons changes the
model instead of the weapon?(it can be done...i've done it!!) or
what about having the arms in the weapon model so that each
weapon can be held differently? - and I will start work on them
in my spare time (but with work AND school, my next model may not
be for a while). Have fun and frag a lot! Oh, and one more
thing...try playing this sound
backwards...it's what the final boss from Doom 2 says and it's
quite interesting : )
- Deimos