Hello Again People... Although I'm not ranting about plants taking over the world [again] this is a new model I have made for a very prominant clan called CLAN DARKSHADOWS [they've got a cool website => http://www.tfclans.com/ds] This guy is invisible but not in that bad tacky models way, he's semi-invisible - an invisible guy wearing a long coat and a big hat. The guy also weilds an old pair of duelling pistols to go with the style of the model [looks a bit strange with normal weapons]. Alot have been asking these sorts of things=> It was made with MDl [cool tool] and it took about a week on-and-off in total to build. I'm not entirly sure who made the skins but my contact at the clan was D-Spiral [I think it was him who made the great skins with this model]. Happy Semi-invisible Fraggin' Citrus Frog citrus.frog@becs-ltd.demon.co.uk