Model Name: Danger Girl Creator (more like "modifier"): Mark Potnick Email: Build Time: 'bout 8 hours Tools Used: QME 3.1, Q2Modeler, SkinEd, NST ----------- After talking to one of my friends on irc the other night (he happened to be talking about danger girl) I figured, "hey, why not midify the Sydney model to make it look like Abbey Chase, the main character in Danger Girl(?)." So I did, and this is how it turned out. I cut Sydney's hair short, made a new skin, and *ahem* made her a little more endowed, if ya understand me correctly. :) The weapon model as well as all of the animations are the same as the original Sydney. My hat goes off to Brian 'EvilBastard' Collins for creating the Sydney model (if you don't already have it, go and get it!), and also to Pandora for his Lara Croft skin. The zip should extract to quake2/baseq2/players/dgirl If it doesn't, go ahead and put it there. readme.txt This file tris.md2 The model weapon.md2 The weapon model dgirl.pcx The model skin weapon.pcx The weapon skin dgirl_i.pcx The model icon for Q2