Type: female QUAKE2 SKIN Name: Mechmaid (MECHMAID.PCX) Release Date: January 8. 1998 Author: Fritz "TheChosen" Schober E-Mail: Fritz Schober: .... Fritz-Schober@netcologne.de Homepages: For more Quake2 skins from Fritz: http://www.netcologne.de/~nc-schobefr/q2/q2.htm Files: MECHMAID.PCX MECHMAID_I.PCX README.TXT Instructions: Just unzip all these files to your quake2/baseq2/players/female directory and select the skin in Multiplayer mode Description: This is my first seriouse female Skin. I hope female players will use it and kick some male butts with it! Other: I'm using Photoshop and a Logitech Trackman Marble. This skin is only for private use! If you put it on a website, give me credits.