//Krazy Mr Karrot v1.3 Player Plug In for Quake 2 ----------------------------------- Installation: Create a new folder as quake2/baseq2/players/carrot/ If you've got my old, unfinished carrot (no ctf skins, real animation and some ripped sounds) then delete it. Place all the files in it. Done :) ----------------------------------- So, I finally finished it after almost a year. Long story. Hope ya like it. There will be sounds and vwep coming soon but the actuall model here is complete, finished, that's it! The model was originally the weapon for the pogo rabbit. It was a teensy little thing. I never had any cash for something like 3D Studio Max and Q2Modeller can't really do joints. So when I found the carrot I thought 'Well now then, theres a player plug-in waiting to happen' So, I scaled the model up to player size; scrapped the anims; gave him eyes; made new animations (I reckon they're pretty cool :]); made some wicked ctf skins; and finally, Flatus (Who Clucked?) did some hilarious sounds. Sorted. I also fixed the vwep bug. If you downloaded this before the 10th of March 2000 then you'll need to replace it! But then again, if you're reading this you already have :) Have fun. ----------------------------------- Author: Acid [Lucky Pluckers] Sounds: Flatus [Who Clucked?] also thanks to Rattey [LP] for spotting the bug fix, cheers geezer. acid@rocketjump.co.uk www.rocketjump.co.uk Lucky Pluckers: www.lucky-pluckers.freeserve.co.uk also check out: http://www.borgbunny.com/WhoClucked/ for Flatus and the rest of the mad Who Clucked crew... -----------------------------------