Monday, December 7, 1998 view this file at 1024x768, becase this is what I'm typing it at. ================================================================ Model Name : KC_GF91_XM07A installation directory : quake2/baseq2/players/KC_GF91_XM07A file name : Author : King Chou "Parasaurolophus" Email Address : Model description : XM-07A Vigna Ghina: a preview from my upcoming Gundam F91 Unreal/DNF TC Re-release: vertex jiggling fixed. Other info : Defense for this lousy excessive use of processing power: 1. get it only if you're a Gundam F91 fan. Other wise, Don't. So Don't complain about the poly count or skin wastage. And only get it if you have a good computer, or you don't care about the slowdown, as long as you can see the model. :þ Defense for not having the Point, Wave, and Salute animations done: 1. None. I gave up. This little ppm project is only a detour from what I'm really trying to do. It took too much time, so I just decided to wrap it up. Defense for the second death animation: 1. It's a god damned giant robotic vehicle! When you disable it, it's not gonna lie down perfectly flat for you! Blow it up god damn it! Gib Gib Gib! (Once again, if you think this is unfair, DON'T get the model. Problem solved.) Additional Credits to : Bandai (Couldn't have done it without the plastic model to look at) Sunrise Sotsu Agency Thanks to : The Mecha Domain ================================================================ * Play Information * New Sounds : NO CTF Skins : YES VWEP Support : NO * Construction * Poly Count : 1356 (For the "wasted" polys in the face: well screw you! I like it! :) ) Vert Count : 905 Skin Count : 3 (normal, ctf_b, ctf_r) (512x256, I couldn't do better... :( ) Base : from scratch. qME 3.0 primitives. Editor used : qME 3.0. 3.1 to save as .md2. qME rocks! Except if only Rene Post could fix the vertex jiggling thing... So it can export to programs like 3ds max and preserve the resolution. Known Bugs : It'll tax yer system if it's not a good one... :) Build/Animation time : Been modeling it since May 4. My first model for my Gundam F91 TC for Unreal/DNF. I've also modeled the XM-05, Gundam F91, XM-01, F71, RGM-89J, RGM-89M, and their weapons. I decided to take a detour from just making the TC, in order to actually have some playable work done to play with. :) So I made the XM-07 into a Q2ppm. This decision was made 2 weeks ago. In these two weeks, I made a new head for it, and did the animations. And gave it this crap skin. :) Help Wanted: Can somebody buy me the models of the XM-06, XM-04, XM-02, Heavy Gun, Gun Tank, and somebody scratch build me an XM-03 and a Laffresia? :) * How to use this model * Unzip it with Winzip to c:\, preserving the directory structure in the zip. * Copyright / Permissions * QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. Gundam F91 and XM-07A Vigna Ghina are copyrighted by/trademarks of/ whatever... of Bandai, or Sunrise, or Sotsu Agency. One of them. :) You may not alter this model, or base something else off it.