MEGATRON VERSION 0.90 1/12/04 ================================================================ Model Name : Megatron installation directory : quake2/baseq2/players/Megatron Author : G. "Alpha-Prime" Civita (AKA Ancient1) Email Address : Model description : Megatron Evil Decepticon Leader (The Best) Other info : I haven't finished all the cool stuff i'm doing for this model yet, but I can't keep people waiting for me to be satisfied, so here it is!, Enjoy Additional Credits to : The TFQ team (without whom none of this would have happened) Id Software (for making a game so alterable),Hasbro & Kenner (for importing the Coolest japanese toys) Thanks to : All of the above! (and to DJ rattrap for inspiration) ================================================================ * Play Information * New Sounds : Not Yet (Coming soon) CTF Skins : YES (Autobot - Red, Decepticon - Blue(Purple), Neutral - Green VWEP Support : YES (Using the weapons from TFQ (With Permission!)) * Construction * Poly Count : 2137 Vert Count : 1236 Skin Count : 10 (more coming, soon as i get them finished) Base : New model Editor's used : QME (modelling), Milkshape 3D (Animation), Npherno's Skin Tool(Skinning), Paint Shop Pro 7(Graphics) Q2Modeller (Vweps Stuff) Known Bugs : VERTEX BOILING!!!!!! (MD2 as a format SUCKS,) Build/Animation time : 6 Months (and all nighters)/?? Skin Descriptions : megatron.pcx : Standard Runofthemill Base Skin (Low Res) megatron.png : Standard Runofthemill Base Skin (Hi Res) megatronAlpha-Prime.pcx : My Personal Skin (Low Res) megatronAlpha-Prime.png : My Personal Skin (Hi Res) megatronCAMO.pcx : Camoflage Skin (Low Res) megatronCAMO.png : Camoflage Skin (Hi Res) megatronCARTOON.pcx : Cartoon type Skin (Low Res) megatronCARTOON.png : Cartoon type Skin (Hi Res) megatronDAMAGED.pcx : From TFTM after his battle with Prime (Low Res) megatronDAMAGED.png : From TFTM after his battle with Prime (Hi Res) megatronEVILDEAD.pcx : EvilDead CW's Skin (My first requested skin) (Low Res) megatronEVILDEAD.png : EvilDead CW's Skin (My first requested skin) (Hi Res) rattrap') (Hi Res) megatronGLADIATOR.pcx : Megatron when he fought in the 'State Games' (Comic Story) (Low Res) megatronGLADIATOR.png : Megatron when he fought in the 'State Games' (Comic Story) (Hi Res) megatronMICROMAN.pcx : Megatron in his 'Microman' Colors (Low Res) megatronMICROMAN.png : Megatron in his 'Microman' Colors (Hi Res) megatronSEB.pcx : Special Edition Black Megatron (Low Res) megatronSEB.png : Special Edition Black Megatron (Hi Res)n from the real stickers)(Hi Res) megatronTRON.pcx : What if megatron was scanned into the 'TRON' computer (Low Res) megatronTRON.png : What if megatron was scanned into the 'TRON' computer (Hi Res) * How to use this model * Since your reading this youv'e probably unzipped it already 1.Unzip entire contents into quake2\tfq\players\megatron directory (Create it if you don't have it!) * Copyright / Permissions * QUAKE(R) and QUAKE II(R) are registered trademarks of id Software, Inc. Megatron and Transformers and Related icons are Trademarks of Hasbro/kenner/Takara etc. If you want to change this (other than make new and fancy skins) then e-mail me please, a lot of work went into this and nobody wants to see it made into crap! (hopefully it isn't already?!?). rM,iSa7 WMX 2XSSSSS SSSSSXX; BM ;aaX,7M 7MM2 MMMM: ZB ;X7.X B ,XSr,rMa 2MMMM. MMM MMMMM,MMMMMMM MMMW, 0MMM 8MMMr ;WMM :MMMMMM MMMMi M@WMM,SMMMMM07 MMMMM;MMMMMS iMMMMMM,MM@MZ MMMMMMM7 MMW@M WBWMMi@iMMMMWBM 0M@WMS,aMMMMM ,MMMMMMX;8W0@0 SMM@@MMWS2MMW@M 8@@@M7Xa,MMMMB882 MMWMM.X.MMMMM@ MMM@MMM:2:M00WM ZMMW@MM2iZ MMWMM WWWMM S7 aMMM0BMZ; MM@@MX:r MMMWMMBMMMBWMM0 r,iM0MM, :MMMWBWMMr,Xi,MMWW7 MMWMM .ri MMMM7,Xa2:0M@MM i: XMMMM 2MMMM: i: M@WMi22S,.MMMMM i; ZM@@0M X8M@M0 M :i:, MMMM M. ,: XM :MWMr .,i:. WW MMW@@ BMWMM .. .,:iii MMM0 . . MMMM :;ii,, .. .MMWMM MWWMM ,,,,,...... MMM ,,,,,,...,,,,,, MMM . .....,,,,, WMM@B, MW@@MX ,,,, .,, MMM ,,, ,,, 7MMM ,,. ,,,. MM@M0M @MWMM ,,: MMMr ZMMM ,,. : i ,,. MMM 7MMM ,,, MM@WM 8@@MM :,: MMMMMMMM0, MMM :. MMMMMMM ,: MMM X0MMMMMMMi :,: SMM@@M MM@@Mi .7MMMMMMMWMMMM MMMMM 0M@MM@MMMMMMMi MMM@@r @@WMM ;SS:MMMM MMM MMMW ZS; MM@MWr .MMWMM8MMMMMaM@000MM@87 MMMSMMMMM:MiMMMMM.MMB aBMMM000@MWMMMMM;MMMMW BMMMZ.MMMMMrMMMM@0aZZMZMMM7MMMMMW MMMMMM7MM08MaZa0MMMMMXMMMMM aMMMM :WXSBM2;MMMa;;8MMMMMMS MMMaiMM@MMMM@@MM.MMMM 8MMMMMMZ:;ZMMMiZM@Z08; ZMM@@M@:WMMMM@a7:X72WWi0MM@:@MM@@@MM0,MMM8r@0S77:7aMMMMM0,MM@MMM. 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Xa80BM M8SaMMMMMMMX MMMMM MMMMM 2MMMMMMMaS8W MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMS MMMMr WMMMM XMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB :7MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM; MMMM0MMMM rMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8Bi :S8MMMMMMMMMMWWMMMiMMMSMMMMMMMMMMMa0: 80MMMMMM MMM7MM;ZMMM@MM8 : ,B0 MMM SXW . WE ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE, POWER TO THE DECEPTICONS, FOREVER!