Oluve Model version 2.9: (Starred sections are new since 2.8) ======================================================================= Installation Notes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You probably already know this, but for those who don't, unzip this file into the directory: Quake2\baseq2\players\oluve got it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- New stuff since the old version: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed the sound length and modified them so they dont sound TOO corny (although they still sound fuzzy) * Finished the weapon model and skin * Fixed the model's proportions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *New stuff in version 2.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fixed the skin *Fixed some crappy animations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *Things that still are in works: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -The oluve is now completely finished. I have more or less decided against Vwep support. If I decide to continue work on the Oluve, I will most definitely add Vwep support. I just need some more time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *Copyright Notes: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- By using this model, you have agreed to the following: You will not say it is yours, you will not distribute it under your name You will not distribute it in exchange for money You will not change it and then distribute it The only exceptions to any of the above is by MY express written consent only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- History of the Oluve: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The oluve started as a little guy I used to sketch in the margins of my homework papers and end up mutilating with some sort of large, blunt weapon. Its name is derived from his resemblance to an olive (the default skin is green). The history of the creature itself is quite odd. As the story goes, it was either summoned by a drunken orcish mage or created by a xenobiologist who had taken too many stimulants. (Choose one, depending on whether you're a sci-fi or fantasy fan). As for the model, Its first version was created to be a plug-in-enemy to replace the skragg enemy in quake one. It looked like crap (I used the woefully innefficient modeler that came with QuArK) and I never got it to work. Later, when Quake 2 came out, I decided to make a new version as a plug-in-player, and, with the encouragement of my friends, I finally got it off the ground. It took forever for me to finally get it to the current version (this being my first real modeling project I screwed it up many times). Well, that's pretty much it for the history. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Future plans: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For this model, its pretty much finished. For Quake 2, that is. I plan to make a version for half-life when that comes out. (I heard it uses the original quake engine-shouldn't be any problem.) I'm also in the middle of another model, the squagler. The squagler is a large creature with a large mouth, huge teeth, a slug-like body and three eyes. It looks a lot better than it sounds. However, I had to put it on hold because I don't have that much time. Hopefully I'll have time to work on it soon. Other than that, I'm not sure what other models I'll make. If I do it will probably be something from fantasy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *More future plans: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Genesis3d (check out www.Genesis3d.com !) engine and Unreal if I can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Boy fish_green@hotmail.com