This is my Jailbird skin for the new Snork model for Quake2, eh, I hope you like it... God DAMN that sounds stupid... "Well, au hope ya lak it! Hayuk!" Oy... I feel like the local yokel... Anyway, simply extract this into your Quake2/baseq2/players/snork directory... Ya know, I bet only 50% of the people ACTUALLY read this file BEFORE they unzip the whole thing... And that probably means at least 30% screw it up the first time. Oh, and you can reach me at (yeah, like I REALLY wanna know how easy a skin this was to make, and that I have no talent, etc. etc. etc.) -- Boo/Fox/QuakerX Specials thanks goes to KrAy-ZeE of KrAy-ZeE's Modeling Guid Appropriate plugs - <-- KrAy-ZeE's Modeling Guide <-- Banished Entertainment "Oooooh, this is ALWAYS what I've wanted to do... Snork skins."