TREBLOR skin for WASTE model, (skin by =BerserkeR=, model by Jeff M. Garsteki) This is another skin based on the BUZZARD character from the MIB TV series. In the series the MIB agents J & K meet Buzzard (a.k.a. Treblor) as he lands on Earth to try and find someone he is after. He is in disquise as a Retreival unit, until he is later found out as Buzzard who is an inter-galactic bounty hunter. This skin is for use with the WASTE plug-in player model. You can download this model from: also check out BUZZARD skin for use with the KANGA model. this can be downloaded at (Quake 2 body shop). now go forth, find a server, and KIQUE ASS e-mail me at and let me know what ya' think.