STriker RedWolf's WereTiger A Quake 2 PPM First Attempt Well, Brian Yee's Werewolf was lonely... WereTiger is a done-in-all-QME 3.1 production, streching over a few years as I found time to work on him. You'll see *alot* of things wrong with him. I know. I'm planning on a WereTiger 2, named WereFeline, and a RedWolf with actual tail. Oh, yeah, and Tux too. You'll find a skin there called Tygris. It's a hand-drawn and scanned-in skin. You'll also see a crouch that's really a crawl. Think Duke Nukem 3d. The directory you should put this in is "weretiger". STriker RedWolf (RL name Kelly Price)