YF-19 ...by sTuPiD fOoL This is my first attempt at a Quake2 Plugin Player Model. It's the YF-19 from Macross Plus (an excellent flik, if you can find it in the anime section - SUBBED NOT DUBBED). Understand that i was in a rush at the end, so the model skin and weapon skin are sucky, and TEMPORARY! PLEASE someone do some better skins! ...like that guy who did the original battroid model..those skins were SUPERB... Thanks go out to Brian "EvilBastard" Collins, who patiently answered my endless questions, and did me so many favors. I'd also like to thank Kon, who helped me test the skin, and Rikki "Phukyumoto" Knight for finally getting rid of the null skin errors! INSTALLATION ====================== Just unzip this into /Quake2/Baseq2/Players/YF-19 folder email me at bck4902@rit.edu if you have any questions, comments - but be warned i won't be available from May 27th to August 5th or so! The YF-19 is copyrighted 1994, 1995 to Big West, and in no way do i take credit for it's design.