****************************************************************** LEVEL INFO: Jailbait ****************************************************************** ___General___ Title: Jailbait File Name: jailbait.bsp Author: Rayonix{moo} E-mail: rayonix{moo}@mail.com Editors Used: QuArK5 Description: This is a tribute to Jailhouse Frag, my favorite map in Chaos. Similar textures and lighting for the most part. There is a secret to help make things exciting. :) Also, in place of an elevator, there is a Q3A type jumpad. The map has a few texture alignment problems, but not to the point of being distracting. Six spawn points. New Sounds: none New Textures: none Environment: For the most part, similar to Jailhouse Frag. A few changes here and there to make it unique. Installation: Unzip "jailbait.zip" to C:/Quake2/Chaos/maps directory. Visit http://www.planetquake.com/chaotic/ for the AWESOME Chaos DM mod! ___Play Info___ Single Player: No Cooperative: No Deathmatch: Yes Chaos DM: Even Better ___Construction___ Build Time: 42 hours BSP Time: 4 seconds VIS Time: 606 seconds RAD Time: 159 seconds ___Credits___ Mom O'Bot {Moo} and Briareos {Moo} for helping gameplay test it and offering suggestions!