*information* Rock Texture pak. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Textures are all *.tga format and a mix of alpha channeled and non-alphachanneled. (note: I haven't writen any scripts for these so you can create your own effects) author : ken 'kat' beyer contact : cpdt@telinco.co.uk url : http://www.quake3bits.co.uk permissions : If you can't find the texture you want feel free to use, edit and or change the textures in these paks to suite you ends. : All I just ask in return is a little credit in the readme of your project : but more important, : I'm genuinly interested in seeing what and how you use the textures..! :o) : Feel free to distribute the contents by any means necessary (I want to take over the world muhahahahaaaaaaa...!) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- credits : id (pronounced 'id' not 'I.D' I recently found out..!) for Quake3Arena thanks : special thnx to Nigel 'P_HuKu' Cooney, Chris 'QkennyQ' Niell and Levi 'Eskimo_Roll' Webb.