April 4 2002 Wheeeeeee, it happened, my first map! Title: Castlejumps File Name: castlejumps.bsp Author: Neuro Email: neurointhenet@yahoo.co.uk Description: A jump map. It's not very hard, but you will need some jumping experience to beat it. Based on jump mod 0.30 so i added some armor and health to compensate for the damage received from lava and slime - Some stuff i always see in these readme files :) - Base: No thanks, I don't do drugs. Build Time: Hmmm, ask my girlfriend, she seems more aware of the time then me. Compile Time: little over an hour Editor used: QuArK 6.2 Compile tools: TXQBSP3 0.9, TIMVIS3, ArghRad 2.01 Known Bugs: -Dont store against rotating abjects or they will block. (Store is a jumpmod command) -have hint brushes in but im not sure if they do a good job - some lighting problems i couldnt be arsed with anymore -basically there should be no serious problems - Copyright / Permissions - You may NOT bla blabla blabla k ? thanks! Have Fun!