===================================================================== Title : _/\_ {_by_} \/ Game : Quake 2 Date : 8/25/2002 Filename : Death_Jump1_Easy.bsp Author : _DOA_DEATH_JUMP Email Address : doa_death_jump@hotmail.com Web Page : http://deathjump.freewebsites.com/ Description : Death_Jump's first jump map ---> The Easy Version Instructions : Unzip Death_Jump1_Easy.zip to your Quake2\baseq2 directory. Thanks : id Software for Quake2. St0k3d, Screaming Cat, NJ_SkaterPoe, Tide, WiLdR3c0n (pumkin_pie). Caliber45_ for Qoole ver 0.99 and winbspc.exe Bleh for Jolt Jump mod. Kobaz and Azbok for Azbok Jump mod. S8N for Map Runner. Tony Ferrara and David Hyde for MAPSPY. http://mapspy.gamedesign.net/ ===================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes (Preferably a Jump Mod) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : YES death_jump/burn1.wav death_jump/burn2.wav death_jump/fire1.wav death_jump/fire2.wav death_jump/flush1.wav death_jump/jump1.wav death_jump/laugh1.wav death_jump/throne_room1.wav death_jump/welcome1.wav New Textures : YES death_jump/blue1 death_jump/bonus1 death_jump/cat1 death_jump/column1 death_jump/concrete1 death_jump/death_jump02 death_jump/deathcrate3 death_jump/deathcrate3t death_jump/deathcrate5 death_jump/deathcrate5t death_jump/deathcrate6 death_jump/deathcrate6t death_jump/fan1 death_jump/fan_base death_jump/fan_base2 death_jump/fly1 death_jump/gold1 death_jump/hint1 death_jump/jumper_loc death_jump/jumper_loc1 death_jump/jumper_loc2 death_jump/jumper_loc3 death_jump/marble1 death_jump/marble2 death_jump/poe death_jump/red1 death_jump/rocks1 death_jump/rocks2 death_jump/screen1 death_jump/sewer1 death_jump/sftwrmodesux death_jump/st0k3d1 death_jump/start1 death_jump/terminus death_jump/tide death_jump/view1 death_jump/water1 death_jump/window1 death_jump/wiremesh1b Used: revenge/wall_gray2 New Sky : YES death_jump/mountainlakes New Music : No New Demos : Not yet. I am going to add some to my website. http://deathjump.freewebsites.com/ ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : None (from scratch) Editor(s) used : Winbspc, Qoole 0.99, and Quark 5 Known Bugs : There WAS a "bug" that I purposely put into the map so that when you threw a grenade, you would see your own player model fly through the air. Sometimes this would stop working and you would see the normal grenade again, but when that happens, you will see your player model come out of the blaster and the hyperblaster. :-) But, when using a jump mod, the server would crash as soon as a grenade was thrown. I took out 5 more entities to prevent it from crashing. System used : Intel Pentium 3 1000 Mhz, 133 MB bus, 512 MB RAM Compilers used : QBSP3 TIMVIS3 - by Tim Smith ARGHRAD - by Tim Wright - version 1.50 Build Time : 12 months (several hundreds of hours due to errors, map changes, and the physical size of the map) QBSP3 Time : 19 seconds TIMVIS3 Time : 744 seconds (-level 4) ARGHRAD Time : 4127 seconds (-chop 72 -chopcurve 24 -bounce 40) ===================================================================== * Other maps by author * q2dm1_new.bsp Death_Jump1_Med.bsp Death_Jump1_Hard.bsp Death_Jump2.bsp ===================================================================== * Comments * Wow, I'm finally done. I started this map 1 year ago. D'OH! I would have been done sooner had I not been so determined to include certain items in my map like the ending room or the jumper locator. You will notice that the map looks a little old school. When I started making my map, jump mods were not around and people would run into each other and blast each other. I got sick of maps that were too small and set out to make a map where people could roam around freely while jumping. That is why there are several sets of double jumps, ramps, water tubes, ladders, etc. Now that the jump mods are around, having these extra items is not needed, but I decided to finish my map without making those major modifications. I had enough modifications to keep me busy anyway. My maps seems to not have as many jumps as I would have liked, even when you do the bonus jumps too. I am going to make a Medium and Hard version of my map and try to fix that. I wanted to include a grenade jump and rocket jump section, but the map got too large. Also, the rocket jump section is not a challenge anymore since most people seem to have the matrix-jump to propel you a mile in the air. I already have plans for Death_Jump2.bsp too... Instead of taking several maps to go from beginner to intermediate mapper, I did it all in one map due to many changes, errors and testing. I learned that even though there is a lot of info out there on quake2 mapping, there are still many untold secrets that would only come from mapping itself. Those would include surface property combinations that I explain later. These are the following errors I encountered: WARNING: Leaf portals saw into leaf. and then Leaf with too many portals. Put 44 16-sided columns in one room and it's all done with. I had to remove certain columns to get the errors to go away. Vismap expansion overflow. At first this was only when using -fast option, but then appeared on a full compile... ouch. The ending room complexity was lowered. Even then, in software mode, the roof and columns disappear at random as you move around the room. MAX_PATCHES My map was and still is physically too large. The only way to compile with light is to use larger patches so the total number of patches is less. Luckily, -chop 72 worked (the default is 64). MAX_MAP_LIGHTING GRRRRRRR. This error took 3 weeks to solve and I'm still pissed about it. When you turn a brush into a trigger_push or a trigger_multiple, the brush completely disappears, therefore you would assume that q2 would not draw it at all. BUT IT DOES!! And when you have large triggers (jumper locator), the invisible triggers cause the lighting error. I even looked into id's maps and set the triggers up the same way that they did and still got the error. Finally, I tried using NODRAW and SKIP, and miraculously the map compiled. I went around to all the other triggers in my map and changed them over, causing compiling time to decrease and map filesize to decrease. ERROR: Index overflow "You cannot have more than 256 unique images, 256 unique models, or 256 unique sounds in a single map." What the hell is up with that?? That sounds like something for DOOM, not for QUAKE2. But, all in all, while fixing these errors, I found out how to be more efficient with trigger_multiples, trigger_relays, sounds, entities, etc, etc. In fact, in the end, I purposely set the number of entities close to 256 to cause a glitch. When you used to throw a hand grenade, you would see your own player model fly through the air, it was cool as hell! Unfortunately, when you run the map using the Jump Mod, the map and server crashes. Therefore, I had to remove a couple more entities to prevent that. The surface properties that I use for my viewing platforms are ones that I figured out on my own. If you use a normal brush and make it see-through (glass), the people that use software mode suffer. If you set the brush to sky, you can't shoot through it, but you also can't see through it either. If you set the brush to player_clip, you can see through it, but you can shoot through it too and annoy people. I used a brush set to SKY, NODRAW, WINDOW, and TRANSLUCENT. With these properties, it's completely see-through in GL and software mode, and you can't shoot through it. In fact, the brush "swallows" the items that are launched just like a sky brush does. I also made the map so that you can make the entire thing in software mode. There is only one section where the fps drops low and it's the upper section of the first bunnyhop room. I have the brush set to see-through so the viewing area can see the lower bunnyhop section. Even though the fps drops, you can still make the upper bunnyhop jump just fine. Enjoy. ~(_:(1) ===================================================================== * Copyright stuff * Please don't do any direct copying of any part of my map. Otherwise, do whatever you want with the files unless it involves making money, then contact me first, lol. ;-P