; ; The ban file list for the q2admin dll. ; ; ; Banning can be enabled and disabled by the 'nickbanning_enable', ; 'ipbanning_enable' and 'chatbanning_enable' commands. ; ; They can be enabled/disabled in the q2admin.txt by changing the ; there values to "Yes" or "No". ; ; e.g. in the q2admin.log file: ; nickbanning_enable "Yes" ; ipbanning_enable "Yes" ; chatbanning_enable "Yes" ; ; They can also be enabled/disabled from the server console / client admin ; console as well. See section 2.3 and 2.4 in the readme.txt for how to do ; this. ; ; q2adminban.txt is loaded from the Quake2 directory and then the mod directory ; in that order. ; ; ; The format for each ban line is: ; ; BAN: [+/-(-)] [ALL/[NAME [LIKE/RE] "name"/BLANK/ALL(ALL)] [IP xxx[.xxx(0)[.xxx(0)[.xxx(0)]]][/yy(32)]] [PASSWORD "xxx"] [MAX 0-xxx(0)] [FLOOD xxx(num) xxx(sec) xxx(silence] [MSG "xxx"] ; ; e.g. ; BAN: NAME LIKE "fuck" ; BAN: NAME BLANK MSG "no blank names allowed" ; BAN: IP ; BAN: + ALL MAX 10 ; BAN: + IP 192.168/16 ; BAN: ALL MSG "Down For Maintenance" ; BAN: + NAME RE "^VK-.*$" PASSWORD "duck" MSG "Name reserved for Clan VK" ; BAN: + NAME LIKE "Fred" FLOOD 10 4 -1 ; ; ; CHATBAN: [LIKE/RE(LIKE)] "xxx" [MSG "xxx"] ; ; e.g. ; CHATBAN: "fuck" ; CHATBAN: RE "f[u$@#%]ck" ; ; ; INCLUDE: "banfile" ; ; e.g. ; INCLUDE: "/banlist/banlist.txt" ;