; ;Disable client commands. ; ;This lists all the cleint mod commands that will be disabled ; ;The file q2admindisable.txt is read from the quake2 directory and the mod ;directory. This allows server admin's to setup disabled commands as ;global and mod specific as well. ; ;The format for q2admindisable.txt is as follows: ; ;Lines beginning with a ';' are comments. ; ;disable command format: ; ; ; can be one of three values: ; 'EX:' Exact match. ; 'SW:' Starts with match. ; 'RE:' Regular Expression match. ; ;e.g. ;SW:say_team ;EX:team ;RE:^say.* ; ; Note that internal commands to quake2 can't be monitored as ; mod's don't see these client commands. e.g. name, cl_maxfps, rate, etc ; ;There is a limit of 1024 disable commands that can be setup. ;