; ;Disable spawning entity list. ; ;This lists all the spawning entities that will be disabled. ; ;The file q2adminspawn.txt is read from the quake2 directory and the mod ;directory. This allows server admin's to setup lrcon's as global and ;mod specific as well. ; ;The format for q2adminflood.txt is as follows: ; ;Lines beginning with a ';' are comments. ; ;disable spawn entity command format: ; ; ; can be one of three values: ; 'EX:' Exact match. ; 'SW:' Starts with match. ; 'RE:' Regular Expression match. ; ; Here is a list of standard quake2 entity classnames, You are not limited ; to these classanames. You can use any classanames that a mod provides. ; ;item_armor_body ;item_armor_combat ;item_armor_jacket ;item_armor_shard ;item_power_screen ;item_power_shield ; ;weapon_shotgun ;weapon_supershotgun ;weapon_machinegun ;weapon_chaingun ;ammo_grenades ;weapon_grenadelauncher ;weapon_rocketlauncher ;weapon_hyperblaster ;weapon_railgun ;weapon_bfg ; ;ammo_shells ;ammo_bullets ;ammo_cells ;ammo_rockets ;ammo_slugs ; ;item_quad ;item_invulnerability ;item_silencer ;item_breather ;item_enviro ;item_ancient_head ;item_adrenaline ;item_bandolier ;item_pack ; ;key_data_cd ;key_power_cube ;key_pyramid ;key_data_spinner ;key_pass ;key_blue_key ;key_red_key ;key_commander_head ;key_airstrike_target ; ;item_health ;item_health_small ;item_health_large ;item_health_mega ; ;info_player_start ;info_player_deathmatch ;info_player_coop ;info_player_intermission ; ;func_plat ;func_button ;func_door ;func_door_secret ;func_door_rotating ;func_rotating ;func_train ;func_water ;func_conveyor ;func_areaportal ;func_clock ;func_wall ;func_object ;func_timer ;func_explosive ;func_killbox ; ;trigger_always ;trigger_once ;trigger_multiple ;trigger_relay ;trigger_push ;trigger_hurt ;trigger_key ;trigger_counter ;trigger_elevator ;trigger_gravity ;trigger_monsterjump ; ;target_temp_entity ;target_speaker ;target_explosion ;target_changelevel ;target_secret ;target_goal ;target_splash ;target_spawner ;target_blaster ;target_crosslevel_trigger ;target_crosslevel_target ;target_laser ;target_help ;target_actor ;target_lightramp ;target_earthquake ;target_character ;target_string ; ;worldspawn ;viewthing ; ;light ;light_mine1 ;light_mine2 ;info_null ;func_group ;info_notnull ;path_corner ;point_combat ; ;misc_explobox ;misc_banner ;misc_satellite_dish ;misc_actor ;misc_gib_arm ;misc_gib_leg ;misc_gib_head ;misc_insane ;misc_deadsoldier ;misc_viper ;misc_viper_bomb ;misc_bigviper ;misc_strogg_ship ;misc_teleporter ;misc_teleporter_dest ;misc_blackhole ;misc_eastertank ;misc_easterchick ;misc_easterchick2 ; ;monster_berserk ;monster_gladiator ;monster_gunner ;monster_infantry ;monster_soldier_light ;monster_soldier ;monster_soldier_ss ;monster_tank ;monster_tank_commander ;monster_medic ;monster_flipper ;monster_chick ;monster_parasite ;monster_flyer ;monster_brain ;monster_floater ;monster_hover ;monster_mutant ;monster_supertank ;monster_boss2 ;monster_boss3_stand ;monster_jorg ; ;monster_commander_body ; ;turret_breach ;turret_base ;turret_driver ; ;e.g. ;EX:weapon_bfg ; ;There is a limit of 50 disbaled entity types can be setup. ; ; NOTE: disabled entities does not work for mod's that load there own ; ent/entity setup file!! ;